Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Potential Space Brainstorming

What makes a space a place?

-CULC Construction Site
-Who's inside the library?
-Swing behind the CoC parking lot facing gravel path
-Secret Garden (under Mickey Mouse clock)
-Biotech quad
-Bus Stop -> somehow incorporate nextbus app?
-Freshman Hill
-Skiles Breezeway
-Skiles Courtyard
-Ice-cream cone statue in front of Ferst Center.
-----leave flyers on a database and filter?
-Personal tagging of places
-----"Tweet" about personal significance a location has to you
-----Filter by friends, anonymous, historical implications, etc.
-Flat walls as a surface with pictures
-Historical district
-Evolution of buildings over time.
-Zombie apocalypse. ->"The Zombie Zone"

-CULC Construction Site
--Evolution of buildings over time.
-Personal tagging of places
-----"Tweet" about personal significance a location has to you.
-----Post photos, images, music?
-----Filter by friends, anonymous, historical implications, etc.
-----Timeline and focus
-Campanile - "The Shaft"

People are already connected, how can we connect them more?
Fifth Street Bridge

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